15 Animal Facts That Are Too Wild To Tame

Oh, to hibernate for three years like a snail.
15 Animal Facts That Are Too Wild To Tame

The monster swarms have gotten worse over the last year. The government doesn't even know about them, but I'm pretty sure they're coming from another dimension or something, because they're so big and fast.

There was one swarm that got into a town, and they were just eating people alive. I saw it on the news, and then the military started dropping bombs on it to stop them. But it wasn't enough. So we had to do it ourselves. We had to go out there and get eaten by these creatures, so that the military could come save us. We had to die for their freedom.

I've been trying to find a way to kill these monsters for months now, and I finally came across this book. My heart leapt when I saw it -- finally, something that could give us the edge we need in fighting the monster swarms. But, even though, the title said it was about fighting monsters, when I opened it, there was a list of fifteen facts repeated over and over. It went ...


Crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to help relieve the paín. CRACKED.COM However, collecting and uncontrolled uses of therapeutic inverte- brates can put undue pressure on certain highly sought after species.


Gators use rocks in their belly to stay under the water.

Alligators swallow stones to help them dive deeper and stay underwater longer. CRACKED COM Ingesting stones equal to just 2.5 percent of the alligators' body weight increased the animals' dive time by an average of 88 percent, extending it up to 35 minutes.


Ostriches have bigger eyes than brains.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. CRACKED.COM This does not make them stupid, however - it is not a case of an undersized brain but rather of oversized eyes.


One bird stayed up in the air for 200 days straight.

The longest recorded uninterrupted flight by a bird is more than 200 days. CRACKED.COM One Alpine Swift spent 6.5 months in the air as it hunted flying insects on its wintering range over West Africa. Com- mon Swifts spend most of their time in the air, landing briefly for just a few hours at a time.


Tuna can swim 100 miles in a day.

A tuna fish can swim 100 miles in a single day. CRACKED.COM Some tuna are born in the Gulf of Mexico, and travel across the entire Atlantic Ocean to feed off the coast of Europe, and then swim all the way back to the Gulf to breed.


Snails can hibernate for three years when the weather isn’t cooperating.

A snail can sleep for three years during hibernation or estivation (summer sleep). CRACKED.COM They do this when weather conditions are poor and it's better to just nap through it un- der a blanket of secret- ed mucus.


The kangaroo rat can go 10 years without water.

The kangaroo rat can survive without water for 10 years, almost its entire lifespan. GRACKED.COM It has many adaptations that let it survive in the desert, such as having fur-lined inner cheeks to retain moisture, special- ized kidneys, and a unique nasal passage to avoid moisture loss.

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