15 Tantalizing Facts That Released The Good Chemicals In Our Brain

This story takes place on a fictional planet called the Planet of the Apes, and is about an ape named Zira who has been forced into servitude as a house slave. The Planet of the Apes was a popular film series that took place on this planet (originally set in ancient Rome), which had a lot of similarities with Earth.
In this tale I wanted to explore what would have happened if Zira and her family were enslaved after a failed rebellion instead of being killed by a nuclear strike as they were in the movie. What happens if the apes are forced to live under a new system of slavery that has been imposed on them from without rather than within? How would they respond to it?
The answer I found to these questions is not pretty.
... uhhh ... wait, sorry, wrong tab. I mean, uh, enjoy this list of fifteen facts:
Nixon put ketchup on his morning cottage cheese.

Stippers are hired for Chinese and Taiwanese funerals.

Gambling generates more revenue than several other forms of entertainment combined.

After 35 years of age, the chances of having twins goes up.

Rats can fall from five stories and live.

Pierce Brosnan

7-11 sells thousands of pots of coffee every single hour.

A 2,400 year-old mushroom is growing in Oregon.


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A queen bee doesn’t die when it stings.

‘Los Angeles’ has a much longer official name.

A ranch the size of Rhode Island sits in Texas.

Chicago is only second to Poland for its Polish population.

Forks weren’t widely used in America until after the Civil War.