15 Now-You-Know Movie Facts To Feast On

Cinema has been with every single Cracked reader’s entire life. Can you imagine how all-encompassing that is? There are more movies than years you’ve been alive, or years you’ll ever be alive. Whether it’s in the theater, on television, on your laptop, or on your phone, you cannot escape them.
So you might as well get to know them. After all, it’d be embarrassing to call yourself a person without some bits of random movie knowledge. You don’t want to be seen as a pretentious fool who reads books inside bars (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but if you do that, how?).
Let us help you on your journey to better movie knowledge. You never know when you’ll have to prove if you are a person with a soul or not, so you should be prepared. Take a look at some movie facts for you to tastily consume, lest your humanity be questioned.
Kubrick's Favorite

Source: Vanity Fair
The Penguin and the Monkey

Source: Mashable
Cursing Kids

Source: Moviefone
Generous Tom Hanks

Source: IndieWire
Gene Kelly's Sick Dance Moves

Source: Time
Fake Washington Post

Sources: The Washington Post, Mental Floss
Romeo + Juliet

Source: Screen Rant
Sword-Swinging Viggo Mortensen

Source: Showbiz CheatSheet
Stop-Motion Nightmare

Source: BuzzFeed
Starbucks Cups in 'Fight Club'

Source: Far Out Magazine
The Exorcist

Source: Screen Rant
Interstellar Corn

Source: Cinemablend
Dallas Buyers Club

Source: Vanity Fair
Michelle Pfeiffer

Source: Cinema Blend
Climbing Boromir