15 Now-We-Know Facts That Tickled Our Pickles

The young man had no idea what was going on.
His father, who always seemed so confident and strong, was acting as though he were in the grip of some great, terrible force that was making him act irrationally and dangerously.
"You can't go!" his mother cried to her husband one night as she sat up with the boy, whose nightmares continued for several weeks. The boy's parents argued loudly, then quietly, then loudly again. The boy's father had been drinking heavily. His wife was not much better off, and it showed. Their marriage seemed more like an arrangement made by two people with very little choice rather than a loving relationship between equals.
"I have to go," his father said.
"W ... why?"
The father couldn't really reply. All he could do, as if possessed by some strange forces, was to start rattling off a weird, weird list of fifteen facts. It started with ...
The Phantom Barber terrorized Mississippi.

Parents found the most convoluted way around their kids eating Halloween candy.

Dante's Inferno

Police semi trucks can pull you over in Florida.

Swiss Cheese

The WWF chose the cheapest mascot.

You can trick your brain into thinking it got more sleep.

Myanmar will jail you for a year if you post the wrong thing on Facebook.

Corpses can “give birth” in the grave.

There are shoes but not so many bodies from the Titanic’s wreckage.

Powdered wigs were meant to cover up syphilis-caused baldness.

Some penguins pick out rocks for their mates.

The Little Mermaid made a little-er Mermaid that wants to return to the sea.
