15 Believe-It-Or-Not Facts That Popped Our Corn

Croquet was too boring for the Olympics.
15 Believe-It-Or-Not Facts That Popped Our Corn

"The war will soon be over. I can't see why you're here, anyway," said the soldier, as they stood in silence in the trenches at night, watching out for the enemy. He was an older man with grey hair and a long scar running from his left eye across his cheek to his ear. He had seen a great deal of combat, though his face still bore traces of the wounds that had earned him those scars, which had never quite healed right.

The younger one, on the other hand, wore no uniform, just the clothes of a civilian who had been conscripted. "I'm not really sure what to think," he replied. "You were there when it all began; I've never seen a world like this."

"No ... but I've seen some incredible things, I guess. And I know some incredible things."

"Like what?"

"Well, let me tell you these fifteen facts. Let's start with ... "

A star shifted 50,000 light years away, far enough to not end all life on Earth.

The largest starquake emitted more energy in a tenth of a second than our Sun has released in 100,000 years. CRACKED.COM The star Magnetar SGR 1806-20 adjusted itself 50,000 light years away from Earth, but if it would have been 10 light years away, it would have caused a mass extinction of all life on the planet.


Boxers show affection by “boxing” at you with their paws.

The boxers are named so because they will paw at you, or 'box you', to show affection. CRACKED.COM When they are excited, they often kidney bean, a little dance that involves twisting their bodies into a semi-circle, similar to the shape of a kidney bean.

Dog Time

A marketing firm forgot to buy a domain before spray painting the URL all over London.

A marketing firm spray painted a URL around London for '28 Weeks Later' before they bought the website. CRACKED.COM The firm sprayed graffiti warnings around UK cities featuring 'ragevirus.com'. However, they forgot to buy the domain, having to fork out for it later.


Real sharks terrorized the crew of Jaws II.

When filming Jaws 2, cast members were circled by actual hammerhead sharks. CRACKED.COM Because the scene called for the actors to yell for help, the crew did not immediately realize they were in danger.

Jaws Wiki 

Slash considered joining Poison before Guns N’ Roses.

Before Guns N' Roses, Slash once auditioned for the band Poison. CRACKED.COM Не had decided to quit the pre-Guns N' Roses band 'Hollywood Rose' and was referred to Poison. Не decided not to join when he was asked about wearing makeup.


Yoko Ono put a stop to a Weird Al parody of a Beatles song.

Weird Al intended to parody the Beatles Free as a Bird on his album Bad Hair Day. CRACKED.COM Paul McCartney gave permission for the parody, but since John Lennon wrote the song, he passed the decision on to Yoko Ono, who said no.

Weird Al 

Super Mario 64 makes your brain grow.

Scientists in Berlin asked adults to play Super Mario 64 over a period of 2 months for 30 minutes a day. M CRACKED COM The group showed increases of gray matter, demonstrating the direct causal link between video gaming and a volumetric brain increase.


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