15 Elementary Facts About Benedict Cumberbatch

Think "wizard" and "detective" are impressive enough titles? Try "English teacher," "sketch artist," and "mutant."
15 Elementary Facts About Benedict Cumberbatch

Despite all other titles and acclaim, Benedict Cumberbatch is not the most British name to ever come out of Britain. That would be Nigel Whifflepoofhawxe. However, he has accomplished a whole lot during his acting career. His fans (don’t call them “Cumberbitches”) can attest to that.

However, while he certainly displays his talent publicly and often, Cumberbatch tends to keep to himself regarding… well, himself. The guy just wants to keep his private life private (except his privates). It’s not that he’s guarding some terrible secret or anything. Hell, if he couldn’t hold onto a New York accent as Dr. Strange, he certainly couldn’t hold onto anything that dark.

But there is some cool information about him that much of the public doesn’t talk about. You know, small things like teaching English in a monastery, or getting kidnapped. Oh, and technically being a mutant. Here are some more details on those facts and others about Benedict Cumberbatch.

Benedict Cumberbatch

CRACKED.COM Benedict cumberbatch He's actually a redhead. While he's dark-haired in most of his well-known roles, his natural hair color is a darker shade of red.

Source: Newsweek

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict cumberbatch не was kidnapped in south Africa. STATATA In 2005, during an off-day shooting To the Ends of the Earth, six men kidnapped Cumberbatch and his two co-stars, tossing them into the trunk of a car. Не managed to talk the kidnappers out of it. CRACKED.COM

Source: HuffPost

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