15 Headlines For A Nasty Case Of The Mondays

If books are outlawed, only outlaws will have books.
15 Headlines For A Nasty Case Of The Mondays

A dark and stormy night in a small town in the American south. A young woman sits on the stoop of her apartment. She is smoking a cigarette, staring into nothing. The wind blows hard and rain begins to fall in sheets of ice-cold liquid. It pours down her face.

The door opens with a creak as it has for years. She looks up and sees the old man.

She is not afraid. In fact she seems quite pleased. The old man is carrying two large bags that are stuffed with books. He has an umbrella and wears a hat.

"What brings you around here at this time?" the woman asks with a laugh, as if she's been waiting all day for him to come.

"Oh, you know," the old man says. "I was looking for that list in this pile of books."

"The list?"

"Yeah. You know the one. The list of fifteen facts I wrote down by hand thirty-five years ago. And I found it, thank God. Here, let me show it to you. It starts with ...

Bees are in good hands over the pond.

The European Commission has decided to restrict a pesticide after concerns over its impact on bees. After only seven years on the market, the chemical substance Sulfoxaflor will be restricted to indoor use only after information on its impact on bees was considered insufficient to ensure the pollinator's safety. CRACKED.COM


A completely paralyzed man was able to communicate again thanks to a brain-computer interface.

A completely locked-in man was able to communicate with a new brain-computer interface. The 36-year-old German man, who suffers from an ALS variant, used his newfound ability for communication to ask his son for a beer. CRACKED.COM

ARS Technica

The cure for hearing loss is almost here.

Scientists have discovered a way to reverse hearing loss without hearing aids or implants. With just one injection of small molecules into the cochlea, patients report improved speech perception that lasted nearly two years. CRACKED.COM

Cool Hunting 

The great GPU shortage looks like it's finally coming to an end.

Prices are finally falling as Nvidia and AMD GPUs return to shelves. GEFORCE GTX The two year GPU shortage is nearly over and prices are beginning to drop after the battle to find graphic cards have been the bane of gamers and PC builders all over. CRACKED.COM

The Verge 

A good start for student loan forgiveness.

The U.S. Department of Education has canceled student loan debt for 40,000 out of 46 million Americans. At least 40,000 borrowers will receive immediate debt cancellation under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. Only 45,960,000 more to go, Joe. CRACKED.COM


Verizon raised its minimum wage.

Verizon raises its minimum wage to $20 for its US employees. veri_onwireless TO $0 DOWN PG88186 179 497 They will offer a sign-on bonus for retail specialist and assistant manager positions in some regions around the US, most likely afraid that their guillotine is being sharpened as we speak. CRACKED.COM


A South American wildflower isn’t extinct after all.

A wildflower believed to have been extinct for 40 years was spotted in Ecuador. Gasteranthus extinctus was found in the foothills of the Andes mountains and in remnant patches of forest in the Centinela region of Ecuador, almost 40 years after its last sighting. CRACKED.COM

The Guardian


A French town is using bioluminescent bacteria to light streets without electricity. Bioluminescence produced by bacteria could be an energy-efficient, sustainable way to light up our lives that doesn't require burning fossil fuels. CRACKED.COM


Pokémon GO helped players with depression.

A study found that Pokémon GO led to a decrease in depression-related internet searches. DE - 20.41 PoKéMoN GO 2020 Gib dein Geburtdatum ein JAN ABSENDEN The meme saying that the summer everyone was playing Pokémon GO was the closest thing to world peace we've ever known aren't that far off. CRACKED.COM

The Gamer 

If books are outlawed, only outlaws will have books.

Banned book clubs are forming in response to censorship. The Banned Books Book Club provides resources to young readers who want to engage with material targeted for removal. CRACKED.COM


Ukrainian refugees are being helped by people who know their struggle.

A man is paying it forward to refugees in honor of those who save his own family from the Holocaust. Jan Gebert handed his keys over to Ukrainian refugees, helping in the same way that allowed his family to survive WWII. CRACKED.COM


India’s first gay prince is not backing down despite his country's attitude towards his orientation.

India's Royal prince Manvendra Singh Gohil VOWS to fight for a ban on conversion therapy. The prince came out as gay in 2006, despite it being deemed illegal in India. He's since opened his palace grounds for India's LGBTQ community and launched a trust to educate on the topics of sexual tolerance. CRACKED.COM

Gay Times 

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