15 Neato Facts For The Ambitious Trivia Hunter

A man was born with the power of a god. His father was a carpenter who taught him to use his powers for good and against evil. When the time came, his son was sent on a quest for a magical sword that would defeat a great dragon. On his way he met up with a band of thieves led by an old rogue. This band of thieves became a gang of heroes who fought many battles and won them all. Eventually they returned home triumphant to his father's house only to find it empty. It was discovered later that the old thief had tricked the man into joining the thieves, then stolen everything. The man's family were now homeless, penniless wanderers, forced to beg and steal just to stay alive. One day, a woman saw them and offered them food and shelter.
"Bless you, kind lady! We had not eaten in two days, and your generosity is more than welcome," they gushed. The woman merely waved her hand as if to say it's nothing, but they went on, "As repayment, let us entertain you by recounting a list of fiteen facts for you. It goes ...
A village in Sweden has had one element named after it for every 750 residents.

Terracotta Smut

Hidetaka Miyazaki was an accountant before he made games.

Spy jargon like “mole” and “honey trap” were invented by a writer.

Potato Park in Peru

Cats just vanished for 7 million years.

Parts from a fan’s car were used in the 930’s Indy 500.

Dogs are shipped to Africa to protect livestock from big cats.

Lake Michigan had aircraft carriers operating out of it during WWII.

Ronald Reagan helped carry out a burial at sea.

There’s a 000 page book with only one sentence.

“I Can’t Go For That” is not about a relationship.

Hard pillows were all the rage in ancient China.

A children’s librarian in the NY Public Library said good day to Goodnight Moon.