15 Too Cool For School Trivia Tidbits

I am a witch and I am very good at what I do. My spells are the finest that money can buy, though I must confess they cost rather more than you may imagine. The reason is because it takes years and years of practice to perfect such things; even now I cannot always guarantee success. But I am very good with the spells that work best—the ones that make people fall in love or become addicted to a certain kind of food. I know which herbs grow best where and how long to steep them for, which spells to give to a young boy when he grows older than me, so his hair will never turn grey. And yet there are times when even my magic cannot help me; I must rely on other kinds of magic instead.
For instance, there was a list of facts that a young man tried to memorize, and yet no spells of mine could help him. That knowledge was entirely resistant to magic. That list went ...
Oingo Boingo’s “Little Girls” perhaps sent the wrong message.

The government bombed a gas reserve and radiated it beyond use.

Susan Sarandon

The Titanic didn’t rip a hole in its side before it sank.

A Florida couple pulled an Uno reverse card on Bank of America.

Japan was too hardcore for Blockbuster Video in the early ‘90s.

Safeway is literally a safer way to shop.

Virgin Atlantic

A Sri Lankan handball team faked their way into a tournament.


A British man changed his name to stick it to his bank.

Germany credits David Bowie with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Dogs show they’re being playful with “play sneezes.”

The Tour De France has declared seven races to be without a winner.

Val Kilmer has lost his speaking voice.