15 Now-You-Know Facts To Inspire Greatness
The man's name was Frank, but he didn't want to tell you that. He didn't like the way it sounded or how his mother said it, with a long "a". She used to make fun of him about it and call him Fonky Frank, which made his father furious. It had been years since Frank heard his parents talk to each other; he wasn't sure when they stopped talking. They were both gone now, one dead and one in a coma, but Frank still remembered how much he'd hated hearing their arguments and his father's threats to leave.
He didn't know if the man in the picture he was holding was his father or not. Frank had found it on the ground near the apartment complex where he used to live.
One thing was for sure, though. At some point, somebody had scrawled a long list of fifteen items on the back of the photo.
Frank squinted and started reading the list -- it went ...