15 Movie and TV Himbos (and Their Himbo Profiles)

Himbos are good – maybe even the best. If there are any actual himbos reading this, it’s fine, you can scroll on to look at the pictures of men just like you. For everyone else, here’s a collection of the best himbos around, what gives them that claim, and their number one himbo skill, their Pokémon superpower. You can bask in the glow of the dumb kind hot light or you can print the sheet out, cut the pictures out and use them to play Himbo Battle. (Please battle responsibly.)
The rules are simple, you draw three himbos at random and can play anyone to counter your opponent’s himbo. The winner is the one who would conclusively first offer a hug to the other — continue until you’ve won two out of three or you hug it out. From magic fantasy to lowest sitcom, here are your favorite himbos you know and love.
Thor Odinson

Troy Barnes from 'Community'

Son Goku

Andy Dwyer from 'Parks and Recreation'

Milo Thatch from 'Atlantis: The Lost Empire' (Skinny Himbo)


Kronk from 'The Emperor's New Groove'


Fezzik from 'The Princess Bride'



Quentin Coldwater

Luke Skywalker


Dwight Schrute (Evil Himbo)