15 Of The Strangest Stories Making Headlines Today

The sun was setting as she left the city. The wind blew in her face like it always did, and the scent of salt filled her senses. It was the first time in a very long time she felt truly alone with herself. There were so many times in the past when she could have gone back to the city, but something always prevented her.
She had been living on a farm outside the city ever since her father died, trying to escape her own memories, her regrets, her pain, but nothing seemed to work anymore. She had tried to be strong and keep going without them, but now that she'd made this journey she realized that it would not get any better if she didn't confront her fears head-on.
The wind blew through her hair as she walked down the road leading out of the city gates; and, to calm herself, she repeated a mantra in her head. It was a list of fifteen facts that went:
Lara Trump blames kids being too safe for a fatal deck collapse.

Trump’s “free-speech” app is being criticized for censoring hate speech.

One last show for a local rapper doubled as his funeral.

Fox is responsible for violence at the Capitol yet again.

Hundreds of drones in the sky led to a massive Rick Roll.


Gorillas today only know how to charge they phone, eat banana, and lie.

The National Guard was brought in to New Mexico schools due to staff shortages.

Cracker Jills

Amazon is banning words to stop employees from talking about their crappy work conditions.

Age requirements for marriage are on the chopping block.

Donkeys help keep cattle safe from wolves.

BK patrons are suing the King for his dinky Whoppers.

An airline passenger took the “cockpit” a little too literally.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Nickname