15 Facts About Video Games, Fast Food, And Financial Crimes

My family were farmers and our farm sat on a hill just south of town, which made it easy to keep watch over the town below. We had a nice big field that we used as pasture for all our animals—cows, pigs, chickens, and goats—and my father always told me not to leave any grass unharvested.
"We can always use the food," my father would say. "There are some folks in town that might go hungry if it weren't for us."
But there's only so much work that one boy could do alone and even more than my chores I wanted to play with the other boys in town or go down to the stream near our house, but no matter how long I waited my parents always came and dragged me back to work. Whenever they did this, they'd make me write a list of fifteen facts on a piece of paper, over and over. The list went:
The real School of Rock almost sued the movie.

There Was A Real-Life 'School Of Rock' (That Almost Sued The Movie)
Paul Feig

The Office: How The Show Made A Calculated Decision To Lean Into Internet Culture
“Space Invaders Wrist” was a big problem back in the day.

How 'Space Invaders' And Retro Games Caused Actual Medical Problems
Kevin Smith is selling a movie as an NFT for some reason.

Kevin Smith's Making The First NFT Movie (And The Baffling Backstory Behind It)
“Star Trek TNG” owes everything to Shatner demanding more money.

'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Only Got Made Because William Shatner Is A Jerk

The Navy Decided $4.5 Billion Worth Of Ships Suck And They Need New Ones
One “Superman” demo got more people talking than anything else at the Unreal Engine 5 launch.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Hefner might not have been such a staunch supporter of women’s rights after all.

Bernie Madoff (Yep, Him Again)

A man once made a claim so false he decided to go after Trivial Pursuit.

How A 'Columbo' Answer Caused A $300 Million Trivial Pursuit Lawsuit
The confusing menus at fast food joints are on purpose.

Video Games

There are children in “Elden RIng,” if you look hard enough.