15 Now-You-Know Facts That Sat On Our Chests Like A Sleep Paralysis Demon

It was not a happy day in the kingdom of Lomar. The weather was cold and damp. The people were sick. They were starving and thirsty as they walked the dusty, cracked paths that led between their hovels, or slept under bridges and doorways where they could find shelter. There was sickness everywhere, so much death and suffering among those who should have been healthy and vigorous and strong, yet they lived on in wretchedness, like animals, with their bellies distended with hunger and the sores of disease.
"The crops," said one old man, "the fields have not been tilled for many weeks, there are rats and mice all over, and our herdsmen are dead from the sickness."
"We need a healer," said an old woman who was still able to walk.
They went to a wise man living in a mountain nearby, a man whose knowledge was legendary, to hear advice on what they should do. But they left more unhappy than ever, because all he had been able to tell them was this list of fifteen facts:
A mean gym teacher inspired Lynyrd Skynyrd’s name.

President Monroe had to defend himself against his Treasury Secretary.

There’s a mini Washington Monument in D.C.

Ants smell like formic acid to some people.

Naked mole rats can go 8 minutes with no air.

An astronaut brought a sandwich to space.

Gold was second to aluminum in the 9th century.

BK got fancy in the ‘90s.

Dark Souls

One man took advantage of a theme park loop hole and ate dirt cheap meals for years.

The Earth’s Crust

Parliament debated whether or not to throw bankers in the river with snakes.

“Candy Crush” is crushing families.

Bread cost most of a laborer’s income in the 8th century.