15 of Batman's Biggest (or Lamest) Losses

Batman. He’s one of the best and most powerful superheroes of all time, able to defeat anyone, always prepared, and constantly ready. And he loses… just all the time. There’s a rule that the hero isn’t the hero because they win – but with superheroes it seems different. Despite that, some of Batman’s best and most interesting stories are all about times he failed, gave up, or actively made things worse. Most of these losses can be seen in comics, though some have been adapted in things like The Batman, Arkham City, and Fortnite, though that last one is only a joke. Oh, wait, no, apparently it’s not a joke, one of Batman’s biggest dark losses recently was just put into Fortnite – the bad guy who keeps pubescent boys on leashes and collars. That’s fun for the whole family. The Bat Family. Here are some of the worst ways the Bat has lost in recent years.

Source: CBR
Penniless Batman

Source: Polygon

Source: CBR
Dead Robin

Source: GamesRadar+
Fake Dead Robin

Source: Stephanie Brown Wiki
Returning Robin


Mom Joker


Dead and Resurrected

Evil Brother

Naked and Surrounded

Source: Screen Rant
Alfred's Hand


His Own Worst Enemy

Sources: Batman Fandom, DC Database, DC Database