13 Slightly Nutty, Now-You-Know Facts About Squirrels
Regardless of what continent you live on (unless you’re a researcher in Antarctica reading this) you probably live among squirrels. in our humble opinion, the (often) bushy-tailed friend is the best and cutest of all the rodents. In fact, even the earliest primate looked squirrel-like. So it’s no wonder we have an affection for the little guys…we see our distant relatives in them.
We simply love squirrels, their weird idiosyncrasies and all. They’re nature’s gardeners. When they bury their nuts and forget where they put them, they are actually planting trees. We simply must respect an environmentalist. Also, who can forget that squirrels helped Nic Cage find love? And (almost) anything that helps Nic Cage find true love is alright in our book.
Despite our love of them, the more we learned about them, the more we also fear them as well. Here are 13 facts that will make you understand our reverence for these furry creatures.