15 Feel-Good News Stories That Make Us Feel Lighter Than Air

Psychedelic mushrooms may help with depression, or at least make it interesting.
15 Feel-Good News Stories That Make Us Feel Lighter Than Air

The old man was sitting in a room with his feet in the water and reading. He had not seen the young man come in; he had heard the door open but paid it no heed. The young man stood before him and spoke to him without any greeting. The old man did not look up, nor even move his hands, from the page of the book in which he was immersed, but said, "What would you like of me, then?" The young man replied that he wanted only one thing. "What would that be?" said the old man. And the young man answered, "I wish you to tell me of the strange events you've witnessed."

"The ... ?"

"Yes. You know the ones. Tell me about all fifteen of them. You know … "

"Oh ... very well, then," said the old man, after a moment's hesitation and a mild sigh. "Here, let's start with ... "


A Great Indian Hornbill received a 3D-printed prosthetic at ZooTampa after developing skin cancer. Veterinarians at ZooTampa worked with hospital physicians, biomedical engineers and the University of South Florida to save the life of a Great Indian Hornbill after she developed skin cancer. CRACKED.COM


Maryland’s General Assembly overturned vetoes to restore rights.

Maryland Democrats overturned vetoes from the Republican Governor, restoring abortion rights and family leave: The Democrat-controlled General Assembly overrode Gov. Larry Hogan's veto of Abortion Care Access Act, as well launching a paid family and medical leave program for workers. CRACKED.COM


Researchers made a self-healing plastic.

Researchers developed a plastic material that can heal cracks by itself at room temperature. Week n N-100 - RO - Plan + Monday - Grouple 6 Sunday Douft PM Wednesday + - Thursday P The self-repairing plastic can be used in smartphones, cars and other products and reduce the amount of waste now fouling the planet. CRACKED.COM


An exoskeleton is helping the disabled walk again.

A French company built a mechanical exoskeleton that helps wheelchair users walk. The exoskeleton allows wheelchair users to stand up autonomously, walk and do the most simple tasks. It is currently used in hospitals to help with rehabilitation. CRACKED.COM

Euro News 

A Louisiana woodpecker isn’t dead after all.

The ivory-billed woodpecker has been spotted after being thought extinct for 80 years: The bird was finally found after years of expeditions into undisclosed portions of Louisiana woodland, unmanned trail cams, and drones. CRACKED.COM

The Guardian 

A seal ended up in traffic but has been returned to the water.

The seal that wound up in a traffic circle has been returned back to the ocean. The seal pup emerged from the Peconic River in NY to forage for food, ending up being corralled in a parking lot by police. The pup was given fluids and fish, and released back into the ocean. CRACKED.COM

Riverhead Local

Russian oil tankers were prevented from entering Belgium.

Activists chained themselves to a port lock to prevent Russian oil tankers from entering Antwerp harbor. ZELEK STAR Greenpeace started the action against a tanker by climbing on a lock that the ship had to pass through and chaining themselves to it, saying the transports fuel the war and the climate crisis. CRACKED.COM

Brussels Times

A mindless bump led to a $10 million payout.

A woman accidentally won scratcher after a stranger $10 million on a lottery 2 3 4 5 8 9 bumped into her. 10 11 12 13 14 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 28 22 being bumped and accidentally buying a $30 23 LaQuedra Edwards won the top prize after 25 26 5 27 28 22 23 scratcher, instead of her usual, less pricey 29 30 31 33 34 35 6 d 29 30 31 37 38 39 40 41 8 42 36 37 45 46 47 48 49 4 5 9 lottery tickets. CRACKED.COM

Kare 11

The pandemic is making investors more focused on social and environmental issues.

Investors have become more focused on environmental and social issues since the Covid-19 pandemic: Investors are also increasingly expecting global action to address climate change. 74% of people surveyed agreed that this responsibility should fall on national governments and regulators. CRACKED.COM


There aren’t enough prisoners to keep a prison open.

One of two Massachusetts maximum security prisons is closing. This is a milestone reflecting falling crime rates and sentencing reform, with the state's inmate population at a 35-year low. CRACKED.COM

Boston Globe 

Pink Floyd reunited to release a protest song for Ukraine.

Pink Floyd have reunited to record their first new material in 28 years. The protest song against the Ukraine war features a refrain from Ukrainian singer Andriy Khlyvnyuk of the band Boombox. CRACKED.COM


Scotland’s forests are growing at breakneck speeds.

Scotland's forest cover has reached levels not seen since the 12th century. The share of Scotland that is forested has increased from just under 6% a century ago, to around 18% today. CRACKED.COM

New Statesman 

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