15 Feel-Good News Stories That Make Us Feel Lighter Than Air

The old man was sitting in a room with his feet in the water and reading. He had not seen the young man come in; he had heard the door open but paid it no heed. The young man stood before him and spoke to him without any greeting. The old man did not look up, nor even move his hands, from the page of the book in which he was immersed, but said, "What would you like of me, then?" The young man replied that he wanted only one thing. "What would that be?" said the old man. And the young man answered, "I wish you to tell me of the strange events you've witnessed."
"The ... ?"
"Yes. You know the ones. Tell me about all fifteen of them. You know … "
"Oh ... very well, then," said the old man, after a moment's hesitation and a mild sigh. "Here, let's start with ... "

Maryland’s General Assembly overturned vetoes to restore rights.

Researchers made a self-healing plastic.

An exoskeleton is helping the disabled walk again.

A Louisiana woodpecker isn’t dead after all.

A seal ended up in traffic but has been returned to the water.

Let the algorithm look into your heart.

Russian oil tankers were prevented from entering Belgium.

A mindless bump led to a $10 million payout.

The pandemic is making investors more focused on social and environmental issues.

There aren’t enough prisoners to keep a prison open.

Pink Floyd reunited to release a protest song for Ukraine.

Scotland’s forests are growing at breakneck speeds.


Every adult in Mumbai has been vaccinated.