15 Things No Person Should Go One Second Longer Without Knowing

"It is a curious thing. I was in love once, and it was very serious for some months, and the woman herself was really very good-looking and charming—a great lady of fashion in New York City."
"She was beautiful," confirmed the other man, as they sat at breakfast one morning. "I remember her. And yet she wasn't beautiful in that sense; there was nothing of the fairy-tale about her. She had an air about her that made one feel that if the gods themselves were looking on us mortals, it wouldn't be difficult to win their admiration."
"Yes ... and do you know why she left me? Have I ever told you?"
"I don't think so ... why?"
"She complained I never do anything for her, so I decided to write down a list of fifteen facts I knew. And she left me in disgust."
"Yes. Do you want to hear the facts?"
"Oh ... go on, then."
One scholastic esports company is trying to strong-arm schools into paying them.

Marc Maron and Jon Stewart are still beefing to this day.

Finally, the Jesus VR game is being resurrected.

Controversial Bible VR Game 'I Am Jesus Christ' Debuts Gameplay In Time For Easter
Gamers hate physical activity so much, they don’t even like to do it in their games.

'Metal Gear Solid 3' Has Been Completely Destroyed By Speedrunners
Dwight Schrute wrote a blog while ‘The Office’ aired.

The 997, Johnny Depp ‘Hulk’ movie sounds bonkers.

A holy relic may or may not have been just destroyed.

Ukraine May Have Sunk A Russian Ship Carrying A Piece Of Jesus' Cross
HBO head of Product Experience knows HBO Max isn’t good.

Patrick Stewart is up for almost anything on American Dad.

North Korea hacked an online, “NFT” Pokemon ripoff.

Plot Twist: North Korea Might Have Pulled The $600 Million 'Axie Infinity' NFT Heist

Jesus may have been an actual wizard, wand and all.

The Muppet Babies show introduced Scooter’s twin sister, and she was never seen again.

Darryl from The Office was a teacher.

15 Craig Robinson Now-You-Know Facts Before You Watch His New Show
A remake of a two decade old game somehow runs worse now.