15 Gotta-Know Facts That Are Worth A Look

A man named Dyson, the last of his species in the universe, is wandering aimlessly through a desert. He is looking for something that he thinks can help him make sense of all this—the meaning behind life and everything that's been happening.
"The only way to explain why I'm still walking is that maybe there's a plan to this madness." He murmurs, "If I had any clue as to what it all meant, maybe then I'd know what I was supposed to do next. Maybe then I could figure out how to get home... or at least where home was."
And perhaps ... yes. There, in the distance, Dyson spots something. A white glint in the desert sand. Walking towards it, he picks it up, possibilities racing through his mind as his heart beats furiously. It turns out to be a piece of paper and, flipping it over, it turns out to have fifteen strange facts scrawled on it. They are:
Johnny Cash’s given name was J.R., which didn’t stand for anything.

Ozone is what we smell when there’s a storm coming.

The Avengers


More PCs had “Doom” than Windows in 99

Low-cost housing in Mexico was made with sets from “The Matrix: Reloaded.”

A “Platoon” actor opened a restaurant run by several sets of twins.

There is a gambling loophole in Japan.

Ravens call over larger predators to open up dead animals for them.

The pebble toad flings itself off of cliffs to evade predators.

Teen birth rates dropped after “6 and Pregnant."

Wasps can be used as pest control.

Hummingbirds use hawks as protection.

The First iPad