15 Now-You-Know Facts For The Memory Banks

The sun beat down on my back and I could hear birds calling. They were far away though, probably hiding behind a wall somewhere, or perhaps just looking for food. The air was still warm even after the night before, and it smelled like rain coming.
I walked through the streets with a heavy pack on my shoulders and my mother's hand in mine, both of us looking for a relic of our old life. It could be under any of this garbage or inside an old cardboard box that somebody took shelter in, or maybe it would be in an empty building that had been destroyed by the bombs.
"There!" I shouted. I sprinted toward it – yes, that was definitely the little purple box my mom gave me as a gift years ago. I fished it out of the pile of trash it lay in, and opened it with trembling fingers ... but it turned out that somebody had emptied it and left a piece of paper with fifteen facts inside, which went:
Beats by Dre

Snake Venom


A member of Blink-82 quit to study aliens.

The biggest seller for Volkswagen are sausages.

A man was found to have a three-chambered heart like a reptile.

The last dodo specimen was burned.

Central Park Hot Dog Carts

Cate Blanchett

Unused airline tickets cost the DOD $100 million.

Cancel culture was different in the third century.

One of the largest militaries in the ‘80s belonged to a soda manufacturer.

Michael Jackson

Ronald McDonald is a landlord.
