15 Now-You-Know Facts That Slap

I have always had two great friends. We've been together since high school, but then I went to college and they got married—and it was like that was it for us. We were no longer friends. It hurt so badly at the time, but you can't be friends with people who aren't even close to you anymore... right? So we just stopped talking.
The problem is they still talk to each other all the time. They text every day; they talk on the phone. I'm sure that when we do finally meet up, it will be awkward and uncomfortable. And yet I know I have to see them.
And you want to know why they stopped talking to me? Because, one time, one of them shared a list of fifteen facts he'd found online in the group chat for the three of us, and they laughed and talked about it all day, but I was busy that day and didn't say anything. And then ... they decided they don't need me anymore, I guess, and they kind of just dropped me.
Anyway, here's that list:
Mountain Dew was made to be paired with alcohol.

One nation added a little crown to their flag because it was the same as another flag.

“Scream” caused a surge in Caller ID purchases.

Pepsi has what plants crave.

You could actually win a “get out of jail free” card in England.

Lie to us, JCPenney – if that is your real name.

Tania Head faked being a 9/ attack survivor.

Devils Tower

It’s dangerous to work with IMAX lamps.

Wimbledon melted down on the count of a short skirt.

Mustard never goes bad.

Japan has created the ultimate cherry blossom tree.

The Irish used pubs to cash paychecks in the ‘70s.

A weasel shut down the Large Hadron Collider.

If it’s not Greek, it’s wrong.