15 Now-You-Know Facts That Leveled Up Our Gray Matter

Two young women named Eri and Riko joined the army at the outbreak of the war with China (which started when I was still an undergraduate student). One day while on the battlefield, both girls are captured by enemies who were trying to attack them. They take them with them into a cave where they find something mysterious. After escaping from the enemy, the girls return home and decide to go see the old shrine one more time. While walking through the village, they meet up with an old friend. The friend decides to join them and, soon, all three set off to the ancient shrine in the cave.
Eventually, they make their way to the very heart of the shrine, a cave wall with timeless eldritch runes carved into it by unholy means. The language is one which is no longer spoken except by a handful of local scholars -- and, luckily, their friend is one of them. He deciphers the runes and reads them out: it's a list of fifteen facts, starting with ...
Humans only got rid of one infectious disease.


Most of the world lives in the Northern Hemisphere.

Waffle Houses are a good weather vane.

It actually IS all about the notes you don’t play.

Always read the fine print.

Spiders and frogs will become uneasy allies.

A tick can make you allergic to red meat.


Oxford Predates the Aztecs

Don’t Wait to Report Someone Missing

A bittersweet confirmation of his website's utility.

Halley’s Comet was there for the birth and death of Mark Twain.

A Headless chicken lived for 8 months.

Sand is sent to the middle east from around the world.