35 Weird Myths We Learned Aren’t True at All

Okay, some of these we should have known...
35 Weird Myths We Learned Aren’t True at All

Okay, were not saying that all of these myths and urban legends that have picked up steam over the years being fake is a huge surprise. Itd be difficult to find many rational people who earnestly believe that Miley Cyrus was an employee of Barack Obama, or that Hollywood keeps a bunch of Megan Fox clones around. But some of the following myths have wormed their way into the public consciousness over the years and are generally thought to be true. 

Theyre absolutely not, though! Stanley Kubrick did not fake the moon landing, and theres no secret confession about it in The Shining. Jennifer Lopez did not insure her butt. I mean, how would someone even go about doing that? Also, your hair and nails dont keep growing after you die; the rest of you is just shriveling away because, you know, youre dead. 

To that end, hopefully the following bit of mythbusting brings some clarity to some of the most popular urban legends you mistakenly think are true… 

The Sides of the Brain

MYTH: A PeRSon IS eITHeR LeFT- OR RIGHT-BRAINED. FACT: YOUR BRAIN ISN'T DIVIDED UP THAT WAY. The myth that right-brained people are creative and artistic and left-brained people are logical and mathematical is so pervasive that teachers are instructed to balance the brained-ness of their teachings. The brain does indeed have some specialized structures, but the idea that they cluster on opposite sides of the brain like rival gangs is ridiculous. CRACKED.COM http://www.livescience.com/655-lefty-myths-mysteries-persist.html


One head is better than two

MYTH: TWO HEADS ARe BeTTeR THAN one! FACT: THAT MIGHT ве TRUE IF we weRe ROBOTS. In humans, the social element of multiple minds working together leads to conformity, which incidentally is kryptonite for creativity. We are social animals first and foremost-our ability to fit in with a group has been our main survival trait for a few hundred thousand years now. So our fear of not fitting in overrides our logical thinking. CRACKED.COM http://www. businessinsider.com/brainstorming-team-building-effectiveness-2012-1


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