13 Scientific Findings We Had To Share

Lucky for us, science just keeps giving us interesting studies.
13 Scientific Findings We Had To Share

Luckily for us, every day scientists are writing papers about their findings and we get to just read them instead of having to do any of the work ourselves. It’s wild when people dismiss a whole field of experts’ tedious work for their own “research.” When ordinary people say they “researched” a topic, it often means they googled what they wanted to hear and read the top sponsored results. It certainly doesn’t mean they used the scientific method and submitted their findings to a peer-reviewed journal. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be critical of studies -- it’s important to see who is funding the study and if other experts are criticizing it. But more often than not, even if a biased study is more based on science than a random opinion we come to and want to support. 

Here are thirteen interesting studies we read, and we encourage you to look at the original study if you’re suspicious about the findings.

Blue-eyed people are all related via a single ancestor

All blue-eyed humans have a common ancestor Originally, we all had brown eyes, but a genetic mutation took place around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago among a single individual that has resulted in all the blue-eyed people on the planet. CRACKED

Source: ScienceDaily

Women are just as competitive, when they can share the winnings

Women are as competitive as men Women will enter into competitions at the same frequency as men ... if they have the option to share winnings with losers. CRACKED

Source: ScienceDaily

Male dolphin's offspring is based on popularity

Popularity-not strength or age- leads to more offspring for dolphins Male dolphins have more offspring, not based on their age or health, but based on their social bonds with other males. CRACKED

Source: ScienceDaily

Millionaires are more likely to be risky

Millionaires tend to be more risk-tolerant 100SM High wealth was associated with higher risk tolerance, emotional stability, openness, extraversion, and organization. CRACKED

Source: Nature

Spiders can hear you with their webs

Spiders use webs to expand their hearing Researchers have followed orb-weaving spiders and found that their spider web expands their auditory ability, which may give them advance warning for prey and predators. CRACKED

Source: PNAS

We can now hear what Mars sounds like

NASA recorded the first sounds from Mars NASA's Perseverance rover sent audio that shows us that Mars is really quiet. CRACKED

Source: NPR

Fish can do basic math

Fish can do simple calculations Researchers recently discovered that cichlids and stingrays can do addition and subtraction in range of 1 to 5. CRACKED


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