15 Little Known Facts That Are Real Head Turners

"Oh boy," the angel said. "He's coming down."
A figure plummeted from above toward. It landed heavily on the cobblestones and lay there twitching and gasping for breath as its skin melted.
"That was a demon," the angel said. The figure got up.
It was a dwarf, with long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail that swung around as he struggled to stand. His hands and feet were burned away from the bottom of his big toes. He wore tattered robes like a medieval monk. "What did you do?" the angel asked him.
"I killed an archdevil!" the dwarf said. "I am not sorry for what I have done."
"Why ... why did you kill him?" The angel stammered, overcome with shock. "Why?" The dwarf sneered. "So he doesn't reveal the fifteen facts that are the key to the universe. You know which ones; you are privy to the secret yourself. You know – they go ... "
Hair removal is essential in running the newest Final Fantasy.

'Final Fantasy' Fans Fix Game By Shaving The Heads Of Every Character

The Flesh-Eating Monster With A Mental Illness Named After It
Putin thinks he and J. K. Rowling are being treated the same.

Cracked Investigates: Has Vladimir Putin Even Read/Watched 'Harry Potter'?
9th century fingerprinting caught a killer in her lie.

Did Lady Diana know what was going to happen to her?

No one knows what’s really going on in this RPG.

Steven Armstrong is basically Ben Garrison’s caricature of Trump.

All The Times The 'Metal Gear Solid' Series Predicted The Future
Georgia will straight up send you to the Shadow Realm.

Heaven’s Gate

“Nimrod” was actually a famously great hunter.

Daffy Duck Taught Everyone The Wrong Definition Of The Word 'Nimrod'
Movies owe Maude a debt of gratitude, and she was never in any movies.

Princess Leia did punch-up for Hollywood.

Jazz Music

Apparently Jazz Was Illegal In New Orleans Schools Until Today
Cat mummies were ground up and sprinkled on crops.

Famous farter famously didn’t fart.