15 Facts That Changed The Way We See The World

We all just agreed it’s the current year, but what if it isn’t?
15 Facts That Changed The Way We See The World

I am the son of a lowly fisherman in an unknown town on an unknown planet. It was there that my father met my mother and married her, so that I would have two loving parents to care for me as I grew into adulthood. He had little wealth or influence, but his heart was strong, and he always tried to give me what he could to help me grow up well-rounded. But the world we live in is harsh, and not every child grows up happily with both loving parents watching over them.

My father was taken away by men who had dark intentions before my fourth birthday. My mother cried and cried as she told me he'd gone on a long trip to work abroad to earn money for us. That night, the men came to our house in force and took everything they could. But, the next morning, I sighed with relief as I saw that, at least, they left one thing of value in our house behind.

It was this list of fifteen facts:


There is a species of all female lesbian lizards. GRACKED.COM New Mexico whiptails are 100% female. They are nicknamed as the Lesbian Lizards, they still participate in mating rituals in which they mount each other. This stimulates egg production without any gene transfer.


Philly Cream Cheese is a New York creation.

Philadelphia Cream Cheese was invented in New York. DATE PHILADELPHIA 300g CRACKED.COM The cream cheese has never been produced in Philadelphia. Its name was an 1880s marketing strategy because, at the time, Philadelphia was known for its high-quality dairy.


Just a spoonful of neutron star material weighs as much as 82 moons.

One teaspoon of neutron star material weighs six billion tons. GRAGKED.COM Neutron stars contain the densest matter that is directly observable. The pressure in the star's core is so high that most of the charged particles merge, resulting in a star composed mostly of uncharged particles called neutrons.


Twinkies do not last forever.

Despite the Urban Legend, Twinkies only have a shelf life of 45 days. CRACKED.COM Although this is twice as long as Twinkies lasted before their big relaunch in 2013, it still does not approach the wild claim that they never go bad.


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