15 Now-You-Know Facts About Sonic the Hedgehog That Got Our Brains Racing

Sonic the Hedgehog has been running around green hills, stomping on echidnas, and messing up the puberty of every vaguely queer child since his birth in 1991. He's been around in comics, video games, television shows, and just as a general attitude of the ’90s, like a Spiritus Mundi for the end of Generation X. He's floating around at the speed of sound, changing from a rad dude on a skateboard to an Olympic level athlete competing against an Italian plumber, to a werewolf, to a man making out with a human woman, to whatever the hell he's doing in the new movie coming out this week. Wrestling Idris Elba? His life is great. And confusing.
To celebrate the blue streak, here's some things you never knew you never knew about the weird little hedgehog. Including the fact that yes, he actually is a hedgehog, and originally he looked a lot more normal. Of course, that's not the only thing that's changed about Sonic in his lifetime, but read on for more.
Steve Urkel

Source: The Sonic Wiki

Source: The Sonic Wiki
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Source: The Sonic Wiki
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Fan Art

Source: USgamer

Source: The Sonic Wiki

Source: Know Your Meme

Source: Wikipedia
Sonic Gene

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Original Sonic

Source: The Sonic Wiki
Sonic record

Source: speedrun.com
Sonic porn

Source: New York Magazine