15 Facts About the Actors Who Have Played Batman

Back in the time when theater was king, William Shakespeare had the most sought-after roles. Hamlet! Macbeth! That other guy! But that is no longer true. Now the roles that define a career are ones wrapped in a cape, beating the hell out of criminals, and gaudily saying overly dramatic lines while growling like you have a sore throat.
Every star has a favorite, and it’s all the same. The Batman! The Dark Knight rises again and often, because everything needs a reboot the second the credits are done. There’s been dozens of Batmen, with all sorts of batstyle and batswagger lighting up Gotham like the stars they are. Some good, some bad, all Bat.
Affleck, Bale, Conroy… Here you have the complete ABC. From the earliest Bat to the newest and most emo iteration here are some weird, wild and Batfacts about the men behind the cowl of the Caped Crusader.
Robert Pattinson

Source: Refinery29
Michael Keaton

Source: NME
Christian Bale

Source: Screen Rant
Ben Affleck

Source: Den of Geek
Kevin Conroy

Source: TV Overmind
Adam West

More: Why Were There No Adam West Cameos In 'Batman' Movies?
Peter Weller

Source: DC/YouTube
George Clooney

Source: The Straits Times
Iain Glen

Bruce Greenwood

Source: TV Guide
Lewis G. Wilson

Source: Den of Geek
David Mazuz

Sources: Comic Vine, Batman Fandom
Gus Lewis

Source: GQ Magazine
Jensen Ackles

Source: IMDb
Robert Pattinson

Source: Entertainment Weekly