15 Ways Spider-Man Has Changed in 60 Years

Spider-Man is 60 this year, so now that his hit Every Spidey movies are out, let’s take a look back at how the characters have changed, from their comic appearance to their most recent live-action one.
All the characters below (except for Venom and Morbius) were created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee -- but while we may love them and remember them for their weird and wacky personalities or menacing words, they’re mostly Steve Ditko’s. Venom is the work of Randy Schueller, Roger Stern,
Tom DeFalco, Mike Zeck, Ron Frenz, David Michelinie, and Todd McFarlane; and Morbius comes from Gil Kane and Roy Thomas — both are now in live-action motion pictures, so you can catch them in the Sinister Six team-up flick in five years or seven, if Sony reboots a third time — fingers crossed.
From girlfriends to enemies to the man himself, here’s how the Spidey gallery has changed.

The Spider

Source: Medium

Source: Key Collector Comics

Source: Los Angeles Times

Source: Facts From the Stacks

Source: Marvel Database

Source: Comics Back Issues
Doc Ock

Source: Marvel Database
Green Goblin




Source: Facts from the Stacks

Source: Neo Encyclopedia Wiki
Aunt May

J. Jonah Jameson