30 Comic Book Movies With Homages to Their Source Comics

These moving pictures look a lot like those not-moving ones!
30 Comic Book Movies With Homages to Their Source Comics

Some of the most popular movies in the world right now are based on comic books. For the kids stumbling upon this, comic books are cheap magazines with illustrations and text bubbles that, when read in a sequence, create a story, usually about superheroes punching their problems into space or whatever. Once considered to be entertainment only for children, theyve now become the basis for basically anything you see at your local movie theater. 

Its not surprising then that many of these movies feature references directly to the source material. Sometimes its subtle, like a simple nod to a piece of artwork; other times full storylines are adapted for the screen. Along those lines, when will Howard the Duck get another shot at the big screen? I guess we’ll just have to be satisfied with him appearing, if only for a moment, in James Gunns first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. 


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