15 Scenes That Were Left Out of Movies (Because They Were Dark as Hell)
Sometimes it’s a good idea to trim the fat, when the fat is dark and full of terrors.
Deleted scenes are cut for all sorts of reasons, but sometimes it's just to keep the resulting film from being dark as hell. Sometimes it's hard to tell the tone while making a film, and often when you go for a light chuckle, it turns into a depressing tear jerker instead. That's fine, it's what editing is for.
Here are some films made lighter, happier, more positive by the act of sensibly cutting out unneeded or unwanted scenes. The final films aren't always great, but they're better. Which is one of the big joys of watching deleted scenes -- seeing things that could've been but aren't; and seeing what parts of a film are truly even necessary; and realizing sometimes, hey, just because you can film a thing, doesn't mean anyone needs to see it.
Sometimes deleted scenes get dark and change the film they're in in the process. Sometimes it’s a good idea to trim the fat, when the fat is dark and full of terrors, just like in…