31 Smart Folks Who Are Kind of Dumb in Specific Ways

How do you measure someone's intelligence? Is it their education and the degrees that they’ve earned? Is it their accomplishments in their field — especially relating to medicine and science? Do they lose any points by saying or thinking something massively stupid? Bill Gates, for example, thought that SPAM would be a thing of the past by now. The guy considered the father of quantum mechanics couldn't explain how a battery works. Elon Musk has earnestly proposed that we nuke Mars in an attempt to warm it up faster — and tanked Twitter quicker than anyone could have ever imagined. And that’s not even getting into the names of his children.
So, the next time you’re feeling like you’ll never be as smart as some of the great minds of history, just remember: Many of those great minds are plenty dumb in their own unique ways, too…
Still waiting for that solution, Bill

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Atari kind of beefed it with Apple

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
To be fair, can YOU explain how a battery works?

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Jane Austen relied a lot on editing

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Socrates didn't trust writing

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Benjamin Harrison was afraid of light switches

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Don't take baths in volcanos. Seriously.

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
We all know Tom Cruise's whole deal

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Tycho Brahe had interesting dinner entertainment

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Mayim Bialik spoke too soon

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
There's nothing in the rules that says dogs can't play baskeball!

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Pythagoras had some weirder theorems.

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Ben Carson is pretty out to lunch

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Kevin O’Leary

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Vitamin C

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Maybe you don't have to be THAT smart to be good at chess?

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Real Dumb Time with Bill Maher

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Patton's masculinity maybe took it a little too far

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Oh no, Nikola...

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
David Petraeus

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
David Bowie

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Elizabeth Fleishmann knew the importance of optics... We guess?

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Michael, that's not how this works.

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Maybe consult the Emperor first?

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Michelangelo lived like a Ninja Turtle

Source: 14 Smart People Who Said And Did Utterly Dumb Things
Hey Elon? Let's cool it on the ideas

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Mark Twain wasn't great with money

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Henry Ford didn't need no stinkin' blueprints

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Aristotle had weird teeth theories

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)