15 Things We Just Learned About Moon Knight While We Wait for 'Moon Knight'

Marc Spector. Stephen Grant. Jake Lockley. Moon Knight. Mr. Knight. Five personalities (plus a god) live in one man’s head. That’s the Moon Knight. As you can probably guess, it's not an easy roommate situation. But If you think stuff can get wild, the let us tell you: Boy, you haven't even begun to have the slightest idea.
That's right — despite (sadly) never having a grudge against Dracula, Moon Knight's stories are still as wild as anything this side of the Amazon rain forest. He has been on almost every Marvel team. He's been a mere mortal, and he has also beat up the crap out of gods. He has… just a great costume, doesn't he? And overall, he happens to be one of the weirder and wilder members of the Marvel crew. Here’s some of the wildest, weirdest, funniest, most horrifying Moon Knight moments, for your enjoyment and edification.
He beat the Avengers

Source: Comic Watch

Source: Screen Rant
He knows comics

Source: Screen Rant
Khonshu, an eldritch god

Source: Screen Rant
Moon Knight

Source: Bleeding Cool
His personalities were taken over

Punching ghosts

Source: CBR
The Moon Copter

Source: Earth’s Mightiest Blog
His dad left him for his psychiatrist

Sources: Magnett Academy, Marvel Database

Source: Moon Knight Wiki
He's been in his own movie

Source: Retcon Punch
Mr. Knight

Source: Multiversity Comics
Many alters

Source: Den of Geek
Diatrice Alraune

Source: Marvel Database
Conquering Khonshu