31 Surprising Facts to Spice Up Any Boring Conversation

We’ve all been there: You're stuck at some party or gathering with a bunch of people you either half-know or have never seen before in your life. You're diligently posted by the chips and dip, looking for a dog or cat to interact with for the rest of the night, when suddenly it happens — someone has started a conversation with you. You tell one another how you know the host, if you live around here and that the song currently playing is a banger. Now you’re stuck awkwardly nodding your heads waiting for someone to end this misery.
Don’t fear! We have you covered with the following facts that, when brought up out-of-context, with bare minimum result in a “Huh! Interesting!” from your chatting companion! If you’re still stuck after you’ve run through all of these, we guess you can go hide in the bathroom or maybe a cat will finally show up.
The real life Inglorious Basterds!

Ripley probably should have tried this!

Seafood poisoning gets... sexy.

Serial Killers are going extinct.

Who is doing all the work in World of Warcraft?

Cutting an avocado? Remember the core!

What's the deal with "What's the deal?"?

Don't cut yourself on all that edge!

Today in Yikes History!

...Is a fake king still technically a king?

You can't just endorse anything!

Food left sitting in hot lights? Yikes.


Scallions, green onions, and spring onions...

We have a lot of questions about this one.

Not many nuclear bomb stories end with: "It could have been worse?"



The British are making fresh water at sea.

Sadly, you did not come up with this idea on your own.

Do not underestimate the importance of porta-potties.

Please keep your Machu Picchu in your pants.

Michael Jackson didn't sing on the Simpsons

Squirrels are little freaks.

How did this one take off?

John Leguizamo

Aaron Sorkin

The Simpsons

The Beatles wanted Mick Jagger in A Clockwork Orange... for reasons?

Isaac Newton wasn't great in Parliament

Rick James destroyed an original Salvador Dali