16 Plot Twists Nobody Thought Through

Plot twists in movies go together like peanut butter and a knife! See, wasn’t that sentence a lot more interesting with a twist? Did it make sense? Who cares! It was exciting and fun. and if you paid $12.50 to hear it, who gives a rip if it makes sense as long, as it keeps you entertained long enough for you to forget how little sense it makes? That’s the basic rule for most movie plot twists – in retrospect it doesn’t need to make a lot of sense, as long as it’s fun in a moment. Like a roller coaster made of spiders. Or Legoland. There doesn’t need to be logic – it just needs to be.
That said, some plot twists go a little weird and hard and show that occasionally, if you just put enough words on a page, eventually someone will pay you for it even if it doesn’t have any logic in it or show proof that no one then there’s read it.
Here’s a bunch of plot twists from some of your favorite movies that prove Hollywood makes even less sense on screen than behind. But these are your favorite movies, who cares about logic? Look at the pretty lights go ping-twing.
John Doe was comically busy the day before

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When did Bruce Wayne change his will, exactly?

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AUTO lets Wall-E run around for some reason

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How long did Vader know?

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Having a fake boy is a real strange thing

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James Bond and Ernst Stavro Blofeld are... brothers? Really?

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Wild Mountain Thyme

The entire horror in The Visit could be easily avoided

Source: RogerEbert.com
The Twilight Saga ends with a vision

Source: Twilight Saga Wiki
Solo is a hurricane of twists and betrayals

The monster can't actually do anything

More: 6 Ridiculous Things Implied By Plot Twists In Famous Movies
Scooby can open the gates of Hell now?

Evelyn's plan serves no purpose

More: 6 Huge Movie Plot Twists That Caused Even Bigger Plot Holes
Hans stops being nice just for plot twist's sake

Source: The Atlantic
Is the doll alive or what?

Source: RogerEbert.com
What the hell is this Apebraham Lincoln business?

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