14 Social Phenomena Terms (That We Didn't Know There Was A Word For)

Sociologists and psychologists work hard to make sense of humanity’s weirdness. And, lucky for us, they come up with terms for these weird behaviors. There are few things more rewarding than having an official scientific term for a silly social quirk. We love to collect these weird phrases, as previously seen in 14 social phenomena, but we’ve learned a lot more since then. For example, do you know there’s a term for when Beyonce appears as Sasha Fierce? For a really exciting intersection of pop culture trivia, it's called the Batman Effect. If you can’t keep your eyes off the hottie in the room, just say you have a case of Attentional Adhesion. It’s much less sleazy.
The next time someone points out one of these weird, observable social patterns, do the researchers a favor by dropping the Proper Name for the phenomenon. It will make you look very smart and well-read, but most importantly, it’ll give that poor underpaid academic some much-needed street cred.
Prevalence-Induced Concept Change

Source: Science.org
Attentional Adhesion

Source: ScienceDaily
Consumer Arrogance

Source: Science Daily
The Diderot Effect

Source: Wiley
The Birthday Effect

Source: BBC
Gendered Race

Source: ScienceDaily
The CSI Effect

Source: National Institute of Justice
The Batman Effect

Source: BBC
The Barnum Effect

Source: Britannica
Missing Stair

Source: The Pervocracy
Elite Panic

Source: Social Forces
The Tetris Effect

Source: Science.org
The Zeigarnik Effect

Source: PsyBlog
The Matthew Effect

Source: Science.org