15 First and Last Lines Of The Best Characters On Beloved TV Shows

“The beginning is the end” is a common refrain all over the small screen. When shows or characters are done with their stories and finally put out to pasture, you can often see the end that arrived in how all of these things began. The initial creative seed that somehow grew into a tree with branches spreading out plotlines, relationships, and final fates.
Aaaand sometimes absolutely none of that’s true; shows have just been flying by the seat of their pants. They consist of a bunch of completely random cars, filled with ideas, crashing into each other in various unexpected ways for both the creators and the audience. Either way, seeing how characters change from the first episode to the final is a good way to view the show as a whole. With that in mind, here are some first and last lines from some of the best characters on some of the best shows out there.
Seinfeld goes nowhere

Source: Screen Rant
Dale Cooper is broken by everything

Source: John Thorne/Twitter
The Doctor runs and doesn’t want to stop in Russell T Davies' Doctor Who

Source: Screen Rant
A coffee shop, Chandler, and Monica begin and end the show

Source: Insider
Jeff meets Abed and that ruins him entirely

Source: Community/YouTube

Sources: Script for “Apéritif”, Script for “The Wrath of the Lamb”
Sae-Byeok goes from hard and rebellious to broken over the course of Squid Game

Source: Trinikid
House goes from patient, doctor to dead in his series before being Christ-like born again

Source: YouTube
Buffy goes from teen to queen in Buffy

Source: Screen Rant
Alexis Rose learns the main lesson, that it’s family, not material goods, that matter

The show starts with a King in the North and ends with a Queen

Suz grows to care in a healthier way in Orange is the New Black

Source: Bella Media Channel
Don Draper changes with the times

Sources: Script for “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”, Script for “Person to Person”
Lucifer goes from apologetic to the Lord

Source: ExBulletin
Jack retires to let others take the lead

Source: Screen Rant