15 Easter Eggs You Missed (If You're Monolingual)
There are many reasons your life is better if you speak more than one language, but none better than understanding dumb jokes in movies and TV shows. Sharing culture and communicating with others unlike you? No. Understanding horrible jokes in Seinfeld is the supreme reason to become multilingual.
While most television shows are typically made for one language, requiring you to only understand English or French or German or have the ability to flip on subtitles, a lot of times the creators like to slip some jokes – or even complicated messages about boring things like plot or theme – in there using a different one. Show-offs. These little bons mots are a Gesamtkunstwerk of language that allows you to feel inteligente if you understand what’s happening. Sometimes they’re great, sometimes they’re stupid; either way you can laugh while your friends stare on cluelessly (or you can just read below and get a leg up on your bilingual friends).