14 Questions We Didn't Know We Wanted To Know The Answers To

We previously asked ourselves 13 Questions We Never Knew We Needed the Answers To, and now we’re back with even more unnecessary questions that have become a vital part of our brain’s data storage. Like… How long did the oldest cow live? Can animals talk via farts? How many balloons would it take to lift an adult person into the air? These might not be the questions that keep us up at night, but they are questions that once we’ve asked ourselves, we simply have to know the answers to. Luckily, we have a world of information at our fingertips so we can look up the answer and don’t need to argue with friends about it for years. Maybe these answers will help satiate your curious mind, or, more likely, it’ll be a weird fact to spew out during an awkward silence. It’s your knowledge now, so do with it what you will.
Who does the voice of the Yellow M&M?

Source: Looper
What's the thing between your nose and upper lip called?

Source: Aesthetic Surgery Journal
How old was the oldest cow?

Source: Guinness World Records

Source: ScienceFocus
Who has published the most books?

Source: Guinness World Records
Do any animals use farts to communicate?

Source: NPR
Alexander Hamilton

Source: New York Times
How much hair do we lose a day?

Source: American Academy of Dermatology
How much do NFL players actually play?

Source: NESN
Who's the largest toy distributor in the world?

Source: USA Today
Do dead people outnumber the living?

Source: BBC
How much did it cost to make an episode of Game of Thrones?

Source: E Online
Can you practice in your sleep?

Source: Harvard Business Review
What country celebrates New Years first?

Source: Mental Floss