15 Weird Bits Of News That Prove We Are In A Cursed Timeline

"Shaq versus an adult Silverback gorilla" sounds like something Joe Rogan would talk about on his podcast, but it's an actual concern for one zoo.
Look, no one person has all the answers. But some people have got the important stuff pretty well figured out. How do you unionize when you work for one of the biggest surveillance corporations in the world? A group of shift workers have figured out a simple fix. How do you inflate the value of your NFT? Melania Trump, of all people, has an elegant solution. Curious about the absolute most insulting way possible to teach children about Prophet Muhammed? There’s a teacher in Bedfordshire, UK we’d love to introduce you to. Perhaps you’d like to know how to raise some funds for a struggling local library that's fighting back against a corrupt mayor. In that case, there’s a legion of furries in Mississippi who have figured that one out.
Boys face criminal charges for vicious silly string attack.

Source: News Press
Apple employees hide their plans to unionize with Android phones.

Source: Android Police
Melania probably definitely bought her own NFT.

Source: Yahoo
It’s not called ecstasy champagne unless it comes from the Champagne region of France, otherwise it’s just a sparkling MDMA.

Source: Times of Malta
School teacher is suspended for using a picture of Bin Laden to portray Muhammed.

Source: Sky News
A dad jammed an entire towns' internet trying to block his son from late night surfing.

Source: Bleeping Computer
Students protest over loss of chocolate milk in school.

Source: Local 12
Is McDonald's really worth going down for a crime you didn't commit?

Source: ABC Chicago
The Furries put their paws together to save libraries.

Source: Clarion Ledger
USA TodayMan donates kidney, gets a $13k bill.

Source: USA Today

Source: Kotaku
Europe calls Mark Zuckerberg's bluff when he threatened to pull Facebook.

Source: City A.M.
Senate candidate smokes blunt, burns Confederate flag in ad.

Source: The Hill
NYC's new safety program is met with stabbings.

Source: CNN
Shaq scares gorillas, zoo officials confirm.

Source: Insider