15 Nuggets of Knowledge To Keep In Your Back Pocket

Take it from us: don't eat the plants in Alnwick Castle. The boundaries of the onsite garden are kept behind black iron gates - for good reason. Then again, folks in London once thought they could avoid illness by harnessing the power of farts, so, maybe we should take safety advice out of the UK with a grain of salt. While we’re in London, we should mention that a certain bombastic television host was born in a tube-station-turned-bomb-shelter.
Over in Sweden, though, they seem to have their act together – they’ve figured out how to convert an astounding amount of their garbage into energy. Elsewhere in the world, things have gotten a little unhinged. We’re talking about government-funded sex resorts, and forests full of trees growing in what is irrefutably the wrong direction. Let’s round out our world trivia tour with a riddle: what’s the one letter that doesn’t make an appearance in a single US state?
Andrew Jackson's parrot learned curse words from its owner.

Source: Washington Post
No U.S. state name contains the letter Q.

Source: Yahoo Finance
Brunch was proposed as a Sunday morning hangover cure.

Source: Business Insider
Kermit the frog was first made with Jim Henson's mom's coat.

People used jarred farts to combat the plague.

Source: BBC
Female sharks can store sperm to use years afer mating.

Source: Science Daily

Source: Merriam Webster
ZZ Top is known for their beards, except for the guy named Beard.

Source: Yahoo
Sweden is very efficient with their trash.

Source: NY Times
Polaroid issued a statement in response to "Hey Ya."

Source: CNN
Hedonism II was built by the Jamaican government.

Source: Sun Sentinel
The Crooked Forest grows crooked trees.

Source: Discovery
Jerry Springer was born in a converted tube station.

Source: BBC
Alnwick Castle grows poison plants in cages.

Source: NPR
Cary Elwes was knocked out on the set of The Princess Bride.

Source: “As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride”