12 Recent Scientific Findings That We Had To Share

The weirdest news from scientific journals, summarized for you
12 Recent Scientific Findings That We Had To Share

Do you remember the scientific method? I know, I know, I’m asking you to dig deep in your middle school education brain. But in case you forgot, scientific research isn’t just “thinking about it” or “listening to Joe Rogan think about it” or even “Googling it.” It’s a process that has been used in science since the 17th century… you might remember the little circular diagram that shows Observation > Research > Hypothesis > Experiment > Analyze > Report. And sometimes even professional scientists make mistakes, which is why it all has to be peer-reviewed. 

Every day, new research studies from across the world are published. And every day, we don't blame you for being too busy to check up on them. So, fear not, we read the papers so you didn't have to in order to find the most interesting updates from the scientific communities of the past few weeks. (Just please don't base any life decisions or political stances on our summaries… at least pull up the original study first.) 

This study is giving Gen Z more fuel to make fun of us

Lead in gas shrank the IQ points of 50% of Americans FOR USE AS A MOTOR FUEL ONLY CONTAINS LEAD Lead in gasoline was banned in 1996, but prior to that, it is estimated to have cost Americans about 2.6 IQ points per person, with IQ loss up to 7 points for people born in the 60s and 70s. CRACKED.COM

Source: NBC News

The Moon

An abandoned rocket crashed into the farside of the Moon Astronomers thought the discarded part of a rocket might have been from SpaceX, later saying it was Chinese (which China denies.) Either way, the rocket probably left a crater and did minimal damage. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

We know where Venus of Willendorf's material is from now

We solved a mystery of the Venus of Willendorf Created over 30,000 years ago, the ancient piece of art is now believed to have been made from material from Italy. That shows us that the material moved from south of the Alps to the Danube north of the Alps, an incredibly long journey for early modern humans. CRACKED.COM

Source: Nature

Half a beer a day keeps the doctor on call.

Even light drinking is bad for your brain Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but even half a beer a day is linked to reduced brain volume. One to two drinks a day is equivelant to aging two years in the brain. CRACKED.COM

Source: Nature

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