33 Weird News Stories We Missed

Who are we to judge if people are sexually attracted to M&Ms?
33 Weird News Stories We Missed

Weird stuff is happening all over the world, all the dang time. Maybe even right now

In Berlin, someone is eating their bus ticket, and no one’s giving them a funny look. In the U.K., members of the royal family are probably debating their genetics; specifically, how it’s affected their sweat glands. Many French motorists are safely, happily driving around in cars that would have otherwise been burned — thanks to the pandemic, for some reason. A woman in Ontario is celebrating an impressive legal win that stems from a candy bar. One woman in South Dakota may currently be in prison after faking a kidnapping to escape her husband. Meanwhile, an Italian man tried to escape his spouse by attempting to get into prison. 

All that and more below…

The Church of Latter-day Saints

WEIRD WORLD A billionaire in Utah left the LDS church and donated to an LGBTQ group. Specifically, he donated $600k - which is kind of chump change for him, but it's still pretty welcome, all things considered, especially since he stated the church is actively and currently doing harm in the world, including to LGBTQ people?ACKED.COM


World Record in Running

WEIRD WORLD A 105-year-old just set a world record in running (but she's not thrilled about it). NOT - TYE INB IND You'd think she'd be over the moon, but she says she wanted to do it in less than a minute. CRACKED.COM



WEIRD WORLD In Illinois, they put a convicted arsonist in charge of a fire department. PLATFORM 1 WORSBURG There were high emotions and high drama at the meeting where that guy was made acting chief, apparently. CRACKED.COM


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