13 Scientific Findings About Death And Dying
When it comes to the Great Unknown, what do scientists know?

Call us morbid, but death is inevitable so we want to read up on as much as we can before it eventually comes for us.
The only creature that is 'biologically immortal' is a jellyfish

Source: Australian Academy of Science
Humans are biased towards believing they are eternal

Source: ScienceDaily
Deadly Stiffness

Source: ScienceDirect
Being disgusted by the smell of death is important to survival

Source: Frontiers
Hair and nails don't grow after death

Source: BBC
There are 350 corpses stored in liquid nitrogen

Source: The Guardian
Near-Death Experiences

Source: Scientific American

Source: Scientific American
People can actually be "scared to death"

Source: ScienceDaily
Sorry, we can't cheat death or aging

Source: ScienceDaily
Thinking about death leads to positive changes

Source: ScienceDaily
Some brain cells increase activity after death

Source: ScienceDirect
Life may actually flash before our eyes

Source: BBC