This Is The End Celebrities Ranked From Most To Least Moral

It seems like yesterday, but the eschatological gross-out comedy This Is The End came out nearly ten years ago. The film gave us such classic moments as Arrested Development star Michael Cera deep in the throes of a cocaine bender, Rihanna slapping the hell out of a coked-out Michael Cera, and Michael Cera meeting a yayo-fueled death worthy of Tony Montana. (All of this happens within the very Michael Cera-centric first half hour.)
Indeed, the enduring appeal of This Is The End is A) the cast of Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, and Pineapple Express playing caricatures of themselves; and B) the rest of 2013 Hollywood screaming and falling into the underworld. But the questions remains – with a decade of hindsight, who comes out of This is The End looking the best? (Big brain answer: either Mindy Kaling because she dies immediately, or Jonah Hill because The Wolf of Wall Street would come out six months later.)