15 Wonderfully Weird Facts About Whales

Remember Star Trek IV: The One About The Whales? They plucked those two wonderful behemoths from the streets of San Francisco and whisked them up into space to save Earth from a giant space cigar. You know, it looked like the IRL one from a couple years back. Anyway, Spock could talk to them, that's all that matters. Spock can mind-meld with anything. Totally give Aquaman a run for his Atlantean money, whatever that is.
We're getting a little off-track here.
What we're doing here today is taking you on one of those whale-watching tours. You'll get all the facts: from whale BFFs to wait, those testicles weigh how much?!? — without having to sit next to some chirpy rando from Cracked blathering on about Star Trek IV or getting a blast of seawater to the noggin. Nope, here’s just a list of some incredible facts about the giant of the sea, that wonderful whale.
BBFs 4Eva!


What's your whale type?

Toothed Whales

That’s... Huge

No sunscreen here


Poop perfume


*bowing heads*

That is some thick milk

Humpback whales and wind turbine tech



Biggest, Bluest