13 Odd Facts To Let Us Easily Fill Awkward Silences

One reason we avoid casual conversation at all costs is the numerous traps that litter it. From gaffes to double engenders to backhanded compliments…the whole activity is a veritable minefield that we'd much prefer to avoid.
When we do venture into the dreaded realm of everyday conversation, we make sure we are armed to the teeth with fun facts--especially prepared in case we run into the dreaded 'awkward gap .'That dreadful, yawning silence can only be defeated by just the right combination of wit, wisdom, and, you guessed it: completely random factoids.
It's kind of awkward to fill the inevitable silences that appear in just about any conversation, but sometimes you can just say, "Did you know that ...” and mention a cool fact, like any one of these 13 facts below.
If that doesn't work, you can always simply flee the scene without explanation.
So what are you waiting for? Scroll down and find out what we have in store for ya…

The Hundred Years’ War

Michael Bay