12 Wordle Fun Facts (Even If We Couldn't Solve Today's Word)
We've never loved five-letter words so much.

If you don't know what Wordle is, I'm impressed you clicked on this link. The viral word game gives you six chances to guess a five-letter word, and its simplistic design is incredibly satisfying in a market of internet games trying to monetize and keep you clicking at every opportunity. We also love how it's a low-effort way to check in with friends and family daily. We're fans, and these following 12 facts only made us even more excited about the simple game…
Wardle Worlded his way into our hearts

Source: New York Times
Wordle is a simple love letter

Source: New York Times
Wordle gets 2 million users per day

Source: TechCrunch
Wardle's time at Reddit might have contributed to the simplicity of Wordle.

Source: TIME
His brother directed Three Identical Strangers

Source: Tim Wardle
Steve Cravotta

Source: TIME
Wordle pulls from a word list of 2,500 words

Source: The New York Times
PowerLanguage was an old username of Josh Wardle.

Source: TechCrunch

It pulls from the New York Times' Spelling Bee word game

Source: New York Times
Wardle walked away with somewhere in the 'low' millions.

Source: The New York Times
Want the board game version? Try Word Mastermind.

Source: Board Game Geek