Tell Us Now: 17 Beloved TV Shows That Are Now Unwatchable

How many times have you started watching a show that you used to love, only to find that it's not as good as you remember? It's happened to all of us at some point. As longtime fans of television, people have been through many highs and lows with all sorts of beloved shows and series. There are plenty of shows that people used to love that they can no longer bring themselves to watch. Whether it's because they've gone off the rails in terms of storytelling, or the actors have left, and the replacements are just not as good, there are plenty of TV shows out there that people would just rather avoid.
It's a bummer when your favorite TV show starts to go downhill. You used to love watching it, but now it just isn't the same. Sometimes, even the best shows can lose their magic over time. Here are four beloved TV shows that have gone from amazing to unwatchable in recent years.


The Walking Dead

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Anything with a laugh track

Game of Thrones


Gilmore Girls

How I Met Your Mother

The Cosby Show

Family Matters

The Dukes of Hazard


The A-Team

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Big Bang Theory