15 Otherworldly Ways That Earthly Creatures Get It On

Just when you thought bedbugs couldn’t get any creepier.
15 Otherworldly Ways That Earthly Creatures Get It On

Mating rituals are one of the most interesting aspects of animal behavior. They can be quite complex and vary from species to species. Some mating rituals are downright strange, while others are simply adorable. Mating rituals vary from species to species. Depending on the animal, the process of finding a mate and then mating can be simple or complicated, quick or drawn out, and involve various behaviors and displays.

As humans, we like to think of ourselves as the top of the food chain. We're at the top of the world, and nothing can touch us. But when it comes to sex, we're not as different from lower life forms as we might like to think. In fact, some of the ways that earthly creatures get it on are downright otherworldly. So if you're looking for a little bit of a different kind of sexual inspiration, read on! You might be surprised at what you find.

Mating Rituals

DROOLING BE OVER HER CRACKED COM Female scorpionflies are wooed by spit and choose a mate based on saliva secretion. The male draws her in by hacking up a drippy gift, then reuses whatever's left to romance new conquests.

Source: time


DON'T LET THE BED BUGS STAB CRACKED.COM A male bedbug stabs a female in the abdomen with his sharpened genitalia and inseminates her directly in her body cavity. Her body can handle the stabbing, but sometimes males mistake other males for females and kill them with their needlelike member.

Source: time

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